oil down the drain

Why and How to Filter Your Fryer Oil

Benefit of Filtering Cooking Oil

In a recent post we discussed the benefit of increasing the longevity of your cooking oil, that filtering and extending oil life was more important than the oil you purchase. We highlighted savings available to your restaurant from extending the life of your oil. This post will focus on the technology for filtering your oil.

Ways of Filter Cooking Oil

Some fryers have built in filters. These fryers are more expensive and require extensive maintenance. Traditional fryer filter machines look like large vacuum cleaners and require removing the oil from your fryer into a separate caddy tank, filtering and returning the oil to the fryer. These often require that oil be cooled to a manageable temperature. Obviously, this is a cumbersome process with potential risk for spills and burns.

The Vito Filter Solution

An innovative solution exists, provided by Vito filter.  Vito filters are small metal tanks that you drop into your fryers at regular operating temperatures.  A self-timer runs the filter for approximately 5 minutes, filtering particulate matter including carbon through a microfilter. Removing these contaminants improves the taste of your food, keeps oil fresh longer, prevents premature oil breakdown and saves you money.  You can even use them right after a mealtime rush in advance of the next big seating.

The real difference is that Vito filters force the oil through the filter with pressure. It is not gravity fed like many oil filtering devices. This means that Vito can use a finer mesh screen, retrieve smaller particulate matter providing better quality oil and longer use times for your cooking oil. Clients report getting up to 50% longer use of their cooking oil. Incredibly, Vito Filters can be operated at regular fryer temperatures. Kitchen staff don’t have to wait for an hour after the dinner hour to let the oil cool down.

Cleaning your Filter Machine

The Vito filter machine goes right into your dishwasher only when you need to clean the filter.  It takes up very little space and can typically sit on a shelf or under a sink.

Filter Machine Models

There are 3 models with suction depths up to 18 inches. The Vito filter runs on electricity. It takes up very little space and can typically sit on a shelf or under a sink.

D  & W Alternative Energy stocks these filter machines and would be happy to discuss the benefits and operation with you.

Why and How to Filter Your Fryer Oil

Benefit of Filtering Cooking Oil

In a recent post we discussed the benefit of increasing the longevity of your cooking oil, that filtering and extending oil life was more important than the oil you purchase. We highlighted savings available to your restaurant from extending the life of your oil. This post will focus on the technology for filtering your oil.

Ways to Filter Cooking Oil

Some fryers have built in filters. These fryers are more expensive and require extensive maintenance. Traditional filter machines look like large vacuum cleaners and require removing the oil from your fryer into a separate caddy tank, filtering and returning the oil to the fryer. These often require that oil be cooled to a manageable temperature. Obviously, this is a cumbersome process with potential risk for spills and burns.

The Vito Filter Solution

An innovative solution exists, provided by Vito filter.  Vito filters are small metal tanks that you drop into your fryers at regular operating temperatures.  A self-timer runs the filter for approximately 5 minutes, filtering particulate matter including carbon through a microfilter. Removing these contaminants improves the taste of your food, keeps oil fresh longer, prevents premature oil breakdown and saves you money.  You can even use them right after a mealtime rush in advance of the next big seating.

The real difference is that Vito filters force the oil through the filter with pressure. It is not gravity fed like many oil filtering devices. This means that Vito can use a finer mesh screen, retrieve smaller particulate matter providing better quality oil and longer use times for your cooking oil. Clients report getting up to 50% longer use of their cooking oil. Incredibly, Vito Filters can be operated at regular fryer temperatures. Kitchen staff don’t have to wait for an hour after the dinner hour to let the oil cool down.

Cleaning your Filter Machine

The Vito filter machine goes right into your dishwasher only when you need to clean the filter.  It takes up very little space and can typically sit on a shelf or under a sink.

Filter Machine Models

There are 3 models with suction depths up to 18 inches. The Vito filter runs on electricity. It takes up very little space and can typically sit on a shelf or under a sink.

D  & W Alternative Energy stocks these filter machines and would be happy to discuss the benefits and operation with you.

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