
ALERT: New Grease Theft Strategy Hitting NJ

Throughout September 2023, grease thieves have been targeting restaurants in central and Northern NJ, drilling small holes in used cooking oil tanks and sliding thin hoses through them to suction off grease. When they’re done, they often cover the holes with leaves and debris, in hopes that it won’t be noticed, and they can come back and steal again, even faster, as the tank gets refilled. The holes look like this:

small hole in grease tank for grease theft

Due to the smaller hoses, it likely takes time for these thefts to occur. These particular thieves probably strike late at night, when they’re less likely to be caught.

D&W is collecting tips. If you call us with a tip, and that tip leads to an arrest of these grease thieves, D&W will pay a $1,000 reward! Help us keep crack down on grease theft in New Jersey.

Call us at (609) 902-5093 if you have any insight into these criminals.

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